Paranormal Diagnosis offers solutions for all your paranormal problems.

About Me

From conversations with apparitions to cleansing ghostly residues to unravelling poltergeist phenomenon, my experience working with the paranormal now spans decades. I approach this phenomena with deep interest, a sense of awe, and a healthy dose of skepticism.

Over the years, I’ve learned firsthand what paranormal phenomena is and, more importantly, I’ve learned what it is not. To find out more about my approach and my experience as a skeptic who works with the paranormal, please read this article about my work:

Navigating the Veil

The Service

The Paranormal Diagnosis service includes a conversation via phone, Skype, or Whatsapp; followed by a written report containing a prescription for addressing your paranormal concerns.

This consultation service is Pay By Donation.

I have no need to visit your physical location to diagnose your paranormal activity. I’m able do it effectively from a distance. When necessary, I consult with a team that includes a talented psychic and a knowledgeable researcher. Different from the work of paranormal investigators, Paranormal Diagnosis offers clients a remote service that includes a prescription of possible solutions to resolve hauntings, poltergeists, and unexplained phenomenon.

How It Works

Once you book your Paranormal Diagnosis, I conduct an independent session to gather information. This session is followed by a 45-minute phone, Skype or Whatsapp conversation where we’ll discuss your experiences. During the conversation I will reveal the results of my diagnostic session. Based on our conversation, I’ll prepare a Written Report that contains a prescription for addressing your paranormal issues.

Home Visits

If you are in Toronto or surrounding areas, home visits are possible at $100/hour (plus any travel costs). I will also travel to other locations at the expense of the client.

How To Book

To make inquiries or to book a Paranormal Diagnosis, please fill out and send the form below. You will receive a reply in under 24 hours. If you have questions or need more information, please feel free to email me at

Please do not include any information about your situation in your initial message.