Bach Flower Remedies for you Pets

Animals are affected by stress, just like we are. They have their own complex identities and feel a range emotions from fear, anger, and jealousy, to happiness and affection. When our Animal companions are experiencing negative emotions, Bach Flower Remedies can help.

Bach Flower Remedies offer support for an array of issues. Some of the circumstances where Bach Flower remedies are useful:

  • Visits to the vet
  • Adapting to new surroundings
  • Fear of loud noises
  • Excessive barking or hissing
  • Separation anxiety
  • Shock, trauma, or mistreatment
  • Obsessive cleaning
  • Any emergency situation

If you have concerns about your Animal companion, first have your pet assessed by your veterinarian to ensure there is nothing physically wrong.

Once you have consulted your vet, book an appointment with Synthetopia to look into what emotional issues may be at play.

What to Expect at a Consultation

During our Phone or Online consultation we will discuss your pet’s emotional state. I’ll listen to your concerns and we will talk together about your pet’s issues around emotional well-being. Based on our conversation, I’ll create a custom blend of flower remedies to suit your pet’s unique personality and situation.

Bach Flower Remedies have been used to safely and effectively to help animals for more than eighty years.

Consultations are $150 CAD. Your consultation includes:

  • a forty-five minute session
  • a personalized hand-mixed remedy
  • detailed instructions on use
  • shipping costs

Consultations are currently being offered via Skype, Whatsapp, over the phone, or via email.

I book all of my consultations via e-mail. To book an appointment please fill out the form below. I’ll respond within 24 hours with more information and a list of appointment times. I can work with people anywhere in the world and my appointment times are flexible. Once we confirm our appointment, I’ll email you instructions for our consultation. After our meeting, I’ll prepare your pet’s remedy on the spot, and mail it to you via Canada Post.

All remedies are organic and 100% vegan.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions:

Book your appointment here:

The Fine Print

  • Bach Flower Remedies will not change the inherent temperament of a particular breed or animal, but will help bring them into balance.
  • The remedies do not treat any medical conditions directly.
  • If you have any doubt about the health of your pet, seek the advice of a veterinarian.
  • Note on alcohol content: The remedies are made from Mother Tinctures, which are preserved with brandy. The individual remedy preparation created for your pet will be made with only a few drops of Mother Tincture and will contain a minuscule amount of alcohol.
  • Seek veterinary advice if your animal is allergic to alcohol or is taking a medicine that is contraindicated with alcohol.